Director(s): Joe PennaUS, IS97 min.2018
87%(73 ratings)
Categories | fiction |
Accessibility | not suitable for minors under 15 years of age |
Languages | English (orig.) |
Subtitles | slovak |
Black and white / colour | color |
A man’s plane crashes in the Arctic, stranding him in an icy wasteland. Every day he carries out the same routine in hopes of being rescued. One day, his hopes are answered – a helicopter appears. But a powerful snowstorm leaves the pilot dead and his co-pilot seriously injured. The man sees two options before him: stay in the wrecked plane and prepare for certain death, or embark on a journey to the nearest polar station, hundreds of kilometres away. Even if he opts for the latter, his chances of survival are nil… Variety Magazine and IndieWire have called Arctic one of the best films screened at the 71st Cannes Film Festival.
Projection of Arctic at IFF ART FILM 2018
All Around the World
16:30 22. Jun | Film was already screened | ||
19:00 23. Jun | Film was already screened |
* Program subject to change