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Another End
Another End

Director(s): Piero MessinaIT118 min.2024
87%(70 ratings)
Accessibilitysuitable for all age groups of minors
Content descriptorssex, nudity, fear
LanguagesEnglish, Spanish (orig.)
SubtitlesEnglish, slovak
Black and white / colourcolor

Romantic sci-fi set in the near future. Sal's sister Ebe, who watches her brother with growing concern, suggests him try "The Other End," a new technology that promises to ease the pain of separation by briefly reviving the consciousness of the deceased person. That's how Sal finds Zoe again – but in another woman's body. It's a body he doesn't recognize, but in which he is mysteriously able to see his wife. "The Other End" actually gives Sal time to share a little more of his life with Zoe, to love her again, to be loved by her, and finally to say goodbye to her. IMDb web trailer
Projection of Another End at IFF ART FILM 2024
International Competition of Feature Films
23. Jun
Film was already screened
26. Jun
Film was already screened