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13 Exorcisms
13 exorcismos

Director(s): Jacobo MartínezES100 min.2022
36%(5 ratings)
Accessibilitynot suitable for minors under 18 years of age
LanguagesSpanish (orig.)
SubtitlesEnglish, slovak
Black and white / colourcolor

On Halloween night, Laura sneaks away from home to go to a party with her classmate Mireia. In a building with a disturbing past, they summon a murderous spirit. As the days go by, Laura has the strange and vivid visions that plague her, thinks that God is punishing her for performing a profane act. Is she going crazy? Must she somehow pay for her sins? Or is she possessed by the devil? After the strange behavior displayed by teenager Laura Villegas, her parents call an exorcist to intervene in the case of demonic possession. Father Olmedo is one of the 15 priests authorized by the Vatican to perform exorcisms in Spain.

This horror story set in the present day is inspired by a series of registered cases of exorcism in Spain. It was nominated for the Spanish Goya Film Award for Special Effects. IMDb trailer
Projection of 13 Exorcisms at IFF ART FILM 2023
18. Jun
Film was already screened
23. Jun
Film was already screened