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We Have to Survive: Fukushima!
Musíme prežiť: Fukušima!

Director(s): Tomáš KrupaSK13 min.2022
84%(11 ratings)
Accessibilitynot suitable for minors under 15 years of age
LanguagesJapanese (orig.)
SubtitlesSlovak, english
Black and white / colourcolor

Twelve years ago, in March 2011, three reactors damaged by an earthquake and tsunami collapsed at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan. Everyone within a 20-kilometre radius was evacuated, but only Naoto Matsumura – as the only one of the 80,000 people – chose to stay. This short observational film from Fukushima is the first spin-off that expands the universe of the upcoming documentary We Have to Survive. The project consists of one feature film and a collection of separate short films. The filmmakers took inspiration from the famous great trilogies accompanied by several side stories and chose a format for the documentary genre that, although unusual, is very appropriate. Especially since the WHTS project aims to raise awareness about the current and future impacts of climate change on our lives through the personal stories of people living in the affected areas. IMDb trailer
Projection of We Have to Survive: Fukushima! at IFF ART FILM 2023
Slovak Season
16. Jun
Film block: We Have To Survive: Fukushima! + Turnus
Film was already screened
* Program subject to change