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Rock. Paper. Grenade.
Ja i Felix

Director(s): Iryna CilykUA92 min.2022
75%(42 ratings)
Accessibilitynot suitable for minors under 15 years of age
LanguagesUkrainian (orig.)
SubtitlesEnglish, slovak
Black and white / colourcolor

Little Timofey grows up in a small Ukrainian town. He lives with his mother and grandmother, who bring Felix – an Afghanistan veteran, former member of the counterintelligence, and an eccentric alcoholic – into their household. His presence is a source of extraordinary, hilarious, and dangerous experiences, and he partially replaces his father, an irresponsible gambler. It's the adventurous 1990s and the family has only modest funds to live on, a difficult situation for a teenager yearning for new sneakers and girlish admiration. The mother runs a door-to-door cosmetics business and leaves for a better life in Kyiv. Tima follows her, wanting to say goodbye to Felix, only he has disappeared. Years later, as an adult, he returns to the apartment with a lodger. He serves in the army. Grandma has died and the apartment is for sale. All that's left of the past are fleeting piano chords, a store of unneeded items, and the memory of Felix, a portrait of modest nostalgia for a time without war. IMDb web trailer
Projection of Rock. Paper. Grenade. at IFF ART FILM 2023
Around the Neighbourhood
16. Jun
Film was already screened
17. Jun
Film was already screened