Details about the film

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Director(s): Pella KågermanSE10 min.2021
70%(18 ratings)
Accessibilitynot suitable for minors under 15 years of age
LanguagesSwedish (orig.)
SubtitlesEnglish, slovak
Black and white / colourcolor

Stockholm in 2121 is a city blasted into the bedrock with the underground stations as the oldest landmarks of the city. Here, life goes on as usual. And despite society on the verge of being crushed by mounting water pressure, Nikki’s highest wish is still to get together with her ex-boyfriend again. IMDb
Projection of Reckless at IFF ART FILM 2023
International Competition of Short Films
18. Jun
Film block: Shorts IV
Film was already screened
20. Jun
Film block: Shorts IV
Film was already screened