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Four Chambers to the Heart
Four Chambers to the Heart

Director(s): Kostas Ioannidis, Johan GrimonprezBE, NL9 min.2022
62%(18 ratings)
Accessibilitynot suitable for minors under 15 years of age
LanguagesEnglish (orig.)
Subtitles slovak
Black and white / colourcolor

Palermo 1624. While in quarantine due to the plague, 94-year-old master painter Sofonisba Anguissola, an artist of world renown at the time but later consigned to obscurity, writes her final letters to her pupil, the Flemish master-in-the-making Anthony van Dyck.

Projection of Four Chambers to the Heart at IFF ART FILM 2023
International Competition of Short Films
18. Jun
Film block: Shorts IV
Film was already screened
20. Jun
Film block: Shorts IV
Film was already screened
* Program subject to change