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Domingo and the Mist
Domingo y la niebla

Director(s): Ariel Escalante MezaCR, QA92 min.2022
66%(36 ratings)
Accessibilitynot suitable for minors under 15 years of age
LanguagesSpanish (orig.)
SubtitlesEnglish, slovak
Black and white / colourcolor

A house, in the mountains of Costa Rica, inhabited by 65-year-old Domingo is about to be expropriated. The town is being threatened by thugs hired by a developer to expel its inhabitants and pave the way for the construction of a highway. But his land hides a secret – the ghost of his deceased wife visits him through the fog. Domingo is determined – he will never give up his land, even if it means resorting to violence.

Selected for the Un Certain Regard section at the 2022 Cannes Film Festival, the mystery is the director's second feature-length film. IMDb trailer
Projection of Domingo and the Mist at IFF ART FILM 2023
International Competition of Feature Films
17. Jun
Film was already screened
18. Jun
Film was already screened
* Program subject to change