Director(s): Osman CerfonFR5 min.2023
79%(44 ratings)
Categories | animated |
Accessibility | not suitable for minors under 15 years of age |
Languages | (no words) |
Black and white / colour | color |
Aaaah! is an expression of pain, surprise, fear, joy, singing, grumbling, laughter, anger... Aaaah! is the cry used by children, these primitive and innocent beings, as they experience school life, under the whistle blasts of adult supervision.
Projection of Aaaah! at IFF ART FILM 2023
International Competition of Short Films
16:30 17. Jun | Film block: Shorts II | Film was already screened | |
13:30 19. Jun | Film block: Shorts II | Film was already screened |
* Program subject to change