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Angel Devil
Anděl s ďáblem v těle

Director(s): Václav MatějkaCS99 min.1983
82%(9 ratings)
Accessibilitynot suitable for minors under 15 years of age
LanguagesCzech (orig.)
Black and white / colourcolor

The comedy Angel Devil evokes the atmosphere of a luxurious First Republic brothel with a clientele from the highest circles. The seductive Renáta becomes the new acquisition of the Riviera, hiding the dark greedy soul behind her angel face. In an environment that favours all sorts of machinations and deceit, the girl tries, thanks to her marriage to a naive millionaire, to seize the ownership of the business, which is ruled by the energetic and refined Madame, played by Božidara Turzonová. Director Matějka uses not only elegant costumes and sets, period realism, and musical numbers, but also an attractive cast.

The film won the 22nd Czechoslovak Film Festival in Banská Bystrica in 1984. It was so successful with the audience that five years later director Matějka made its sequel, Angel Seduces Devil (Anděl svádí ďábla).

"I would like the audience to come to the cinema to have fun and forget about the everyday worries that the time brings."

Zdena Studenková IMDb web
Projection of Angel Devil at IFF ART FILM 2023
Actor’s Mission
17. Jun
Film was already screened
* Program subject to change