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Satantango (projection with two intermissions)
Sátántangó (projekcia s dvoma prestávkami)

Director(s): Béla TarrHU, CH, DE422 min.1994
89%(7 ratings)
Accessibilitynot suitable for minors under 15 years of age
LanguagesHungarian (orig.)
SubtitlesEnglish, slovak
Black and white / colourblack & white

The Satantango is a suggestive statement of a potential change. A village somewhere outside of time and space, though with the acceptable attributes of a referential backdrop of some contemporary edge of Europe, becomes a sad, dead-end model (like the space-time in The Turin Horse) of philosophical speculation about the (im)possibility of influencing Fate. Here, two newcomers, former, long-lost natives, gradually demolish the set structures and conventions of social hierarchy, giving impetus to a psychological analysis of dislike, cruelty, but also hope for the emergence from this medievalism of souls who have not experienced the Enlightenment. The individual characters follow them without knowing whether they are provocateurs, police informers or messengers of the Messiah. Do they follow them because they have had enough of despair, filth, misery, mud, and depression? Maybe. But where do they follow them? That is a question everyone must answer for themselves.

Note: projection with two intermissions

10:30 - 12:55

Chapters 1 - 3 (137')



Chapters 4 - 6 (124')



Chapters 7 - 12 (177') IMDb trailer
Projection of Satantango (projection with two intermissions) at IFF ART FILM 2023
Golden Camera
23. Jun
Film was already screened
* Program subject to change