The Ballad of PiargyPiargy
Categories | fiction |
Accessibility | not suitable for minors under 15 years of age |
Languages | Slovak (orig.) |
Subtitles | English |
Black and white / colour | black & white |
The film adaptation of František Švantner's literary novel tells the story of a village called Piargy. Here, the young, beautiful, and poor Juliša pays a cruel toll for her desire for a better life. When she marries Martin, the son of the richest landowner, she finds herself in a family of strict rules. Not only she will face unpleasant pressure from her mother-in-law, but she will also be unable to resist her father-in-law's violent seductions. Despite this, Julisha falls in love with her husband's father and a love triangle develops. The forbidden secret, however, will not remain hidden for long, and everyone is eager to profit from it: Julisha's sister, the people in the village, and even the village priest. Piargy is a symbol of modern Sodom and Gomorrah, a mirror of the warped morality of society. At the same time, it is a naturalistic metaphor for the subordinate position of women in a patriarchal society. The Ballad of Piargy won 11 Sun in the Net Awards in 2022 and the Audience Award.
17:30 19. Jun | Film was already screened |