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A Czechoslovak Fairy Tale
Un conte de fées tchécoslovaque

Director(s): Christian PaigneauFR, SK, CZ, SE68 min.2022
72%(10 ratings)
Accessibilitynot suitable for minors under 15 years of age
LanguagesCzech, French (orig.)
SubtitlesCzech, French
Black and white / colourcolor and black&white

Czechoslovak film experienced an unusual boom in the 1960s called the "Czechoslovak New Wave". Jan Procházka's life follows its fate from its artistic rise to its fall and tarnishing by the normalising communist dictatorship. Procházka became a part of it through a coincidental meeting with the then president Antonín Novotný. From a young writer influenced by communist ideology, he became an ambitious and respected screenwriter and playwright with a deep interest in the human condition who longed to speak the truth. A Czechoslovak Fairy Tale presents this period in the form of a poetic collage of highlights from the Czechoslovak New Wave. Despite ideological and censorship interference, it produced films that captivated and resonated in the world, while covertly, in the form of parables or allegories, and later also directly and openly, reflecting the absurd reality of communist Czechoslovakia. IMDb
Projection of A Czechoslovak Fairy Tale at IFF ART FILM 2023
17. Jun
Film was already screened
21. Jun
Film was already screened
* Program subject to change